Monday, September 16, 2013

New York and beyond

So, our adventure to New York started with the trip back to San Fran international and figuring out bag check in. After a quick breakfast and pumpkin latte for Jas (her latest obsession is pumpkin everything!) we had an uneventful flight to Newark Airport. A shuttle ride and we were at our hotel/hostel accom facing the street an sounds of Upper West side. Yes there were many sirens and car horns, but hey its NY.
      Queue to get out of SF!

We had a big first day out, headed out on the subway to the Staten Island ferry where we saw lady Liberty in a slight haze of smog, but no where near as bad as San Fran.  We then headed into thefinancial  district and saw the Bowling Green, Charging Bull, Wall Street, Deutche Bank, the Trump Building, NY Stock Exchange, Trinity Church and Federal Reserve. We then wandered to the 9/11 site and since there was no queue we went into the now serene but sad sight of the twin towers. It has been 12 years since the towers were hit but I can still remember them live on TV collapsing. Its well worth a visit but even more so in 2014 when the museum is complete. 

                    9/11  Memorial

Still on the move we headed to Chelsea and the Chelsea Markets for lunch. Amazing Seafood sliders were had at the Lobster fresh food fish store/deli. Despite it being 33 degrees we powered on to the Highline railway garden that runs down the old railway  line near SoHo and Greenwich. We wandered into Greenwich and visited Magnolia Bakery made famous in Sex and the City. We headed back to the hotel for a rest then headed into Times Square, had dinner at Bubba Gumps (sooo good!) and then a stop at Sephora for a manicure before heading up the Empire State building for amazing view of NY. Tired reading this? We were shattered by the time we got home at midnight on the subway!
                  Chelsea market
     Empire State Building at night- windy!
Day 2 was more sedate with some laundry, then out to Central Park for breakfast and a lovely stroll. It would have been more lovely if it wasn't so desperately hot... again! 33 Degrees and 80% humidity. Blisters and fatigue was rampant. We did hike around and saw the Guggenheim, then crossed the park again to check out Strawberry Fields....which is not a field but a seated courtyard area. Hot and tired we headed to Macy's for lunch to cool down and shop. Then on to The Rockefeller centre and Top of the Rocks. Ah-may-zing views peeps :) NBC tour of the Saturday Night Live set and then dinner at Tri-Tip we headed back weary for an early night.

                 Central Park

    Central Park from Top of the Rocks :)

     Empire State Building from ToTR :)

After a sleep in till 8am, we got up, had a Cronut experience and headed to the NY Public Library, Ghostbusters memories anyone? The NY public library was grand and really interesting to visit. We headed to the HBO store, Urban Outfitters and H&M before walking to the Chrysler building and Grand Central Central Station. Cupcakes by Melissa were had and lunch of Quesedilla and Yoghurt drink with peanut butter and banana! After a photo with New Yorks finest we headed to Bloomingdales and Macys for some more retail therapy and then the rain hit! On to FAO Schwarz, the toy store used in the movie 'Big' with Tom Hanks and the big piano!  We then qent on to dinner at Applebee's, souvenirs were bought then home to pack and change nails for the tour tomorrow!

                NY Public Library

             Grand Central Station
                   FAO Schwarz
Nerds anyone? Schweet section at FAO.

              Dinner at Applebee's 
                   Times Square

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