Saturday, September 21, 2013

Topdeck tour day 2 - Washington DC

Today we made our way round all the sights of Washington, first we caught the subway to the massive Arlington military cemetery, where we saw JFK's grave, the grave of the unknown soldier with the changing of the guard, this cemetery has the graves of soldiers from the civil war up to current day.  Then back to the sights of DC.  We returned to the massive statue of Abraham Lincoln overlooking the reflective pool and the obelisk towering over everything.  The memorials for the Vietnam and Korean wars and then on to the Smithsonian Museums, including among many the Museum of Air and Space.


We decided to go on a 3D flight simulator at the Air and Space Museum ...

Day 3 - DC to Whytsville ( just a motel stop on the way to Nashville)

Today was a big day of driving so we broke it up with a few quirky pit stops, the first was a massive Walmart store with everything you could think of, including a hunting section.

Then we stopped off at a strange little place called Foam Henge, which is exactly what it sounds like 

Then on to a tiny place called Whytsville, where we enjoyed an amazing southern fried chicken at the local Cracker Barrel.

Hanging out at the Motel in Whytsville with our "travellers".

Day 4 - off to Nashville

We arrived in Nashville and headed to the Country Music Hall of fame, then checked out the cowboy boots and hats.  


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