Saturday, August 10, 2013

Emma and Jas's America Trip Itinerary

For those of you that want to know where we are going and follow our travels, here is our itinerary, it's packed and covers a lot of ground, but we are up for the challenge!

Sep 5th - 9th San Francisco
Sep 9th - 13th New York
Sep 13th - NY to Washington
Sep 14th - Washington DC
Sep 15th - DC to Appalachian Mt's
Sep 16th - App Mt to Nashville
Sep 17th - Nashville to Memphis
Sep 18th - Memphis ( Graceland)
Sep 19th - Memphis to New Orleans
Sep 19th - 22nd New Orleans
Sep 22nd - 26th Orlando
Sep 26th - 30th Las Vegas
Sep 30th - Oct 5th Honolulu Hawaii
Oct 7th - Return to Melbourne 


For those wanting an animated visual..see below!


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